About us

"Wine and music have always been a splendid corkscrew for me"
A. Čechov (Notebooks)

Isabella and Cecilia: we are originally from Santa Maria della Versa, where our family has owned the vineyards since the time of the Great War. The vines have threaded through our family's history for generations and have come into our care, though we have pursued life paths far from the hills.

La decisione di vinificare è arrivata solo nel 2020, da un reincontro fortunato con l’amico Fabrizio, produttore della zona, di grande tradizione familiare.

Our goalwas clear: to combine tradition with natural practices in winemaking, honing in on a particularly fascinating aspect of wine—Resveratrol, to "Get More from Wine.." In particular resveratrol, una delle sostanze polifenoliche presenti nel vino che è stata oggetto di moltissime  ricerche mediche, e sul suo precursore biologico meno conosciuto, la polidatina.

Our efforts have focused on boosting its natural levels in our wines, with a strong emphasis on maintaining high quality. The considerable age of our vineyards, along with refined adaptations of traditional winemaking methods, have been fundamental to our achievements. The results have been very positive, with our choice significantly enhancing the distinctive flavors of our red wines.


Moreover, the scientific research we have studied also confirms that:  "the choice of a terroir suited to quality and a viticultural approach in the name of environmental sustainability (which is favored in suitable environments) results in an optimal polyphenolic framework... "The winemaker will have to do nothing but accompany the winemaking process without corrective interventions".(1)

The fascinating story of  resveratrol, and some of the main research on the subject is reported in the  resveratrol.

And let's always remember to drink responsibly !

"A man's pride is to drink and always understand what he is doing, not only when drinking" 

(Gianni Brera, a journalist from Pavia).



(1) Hrelia/Malaguti, Il vino : dalla cultura agli effetti sulla salute